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Dogfish Skin VS
Shark Embryo TS through Tail Region
Shark Embryo TS through Snout Region
Shark Embryo TS through Eye Region
Shark Embryo TS through gill Region
Shark Embryo TS through Trunk Region
Daphnia WM | Cyclops Male WM |
Cyclops Female with egg sac WM | Anopheles Male adult WM |
Anopheles Female adult WM | Anopheles Mouth Parts Male WM |
Anopheles Larva WM | Anopheles Egg WM |
Cockroach Mouth Parts WM | Cockroach Malpighian Tubules WM |
Cockroach Hepatic Caeca WM, TS | Cockroach Ovary TS |
Cockroach Testis TS | Cockroach Leg WM |
Cockroach Thoracic Spiracle WM | Cockroach Abdominal Spiracle WM |
Cockroach Abdominal Spiracle WM | Cockroach Gizzard TS |
Cockroach Trachea WM | Cockroach Striated Muscles WM, TS |
Cockroach Wing WM | Cockroach Compound Eye VS |
Culex Mouth Part Male WM | Culex Mouth Part Female WM |
Culex Male WM | Culex Female WM |
Honey Bee Mouth Parts | Honey Bee Leg with Pollen Basket WM |
Honey Bee Sting Apparatus WM | House Fly Mouth Parts |
Butter Fly Mouth Parts | Bed Bug WM |
Bed Bug Mouth Parts WM | Prawn Gill TS |
Prawn Gill WM | Prawn Statocyst TS |
Prawn Hastate Plate WM | Prawn Compound Eye V.S. |
Different Type of Insect Mouth parts WM | Different Type of Antenna WM |
Human Skin VS | Human Tongue Anterior Part TS |
Human Tongue Posterior Part TS | Human Oesophagus TS |
Human Stomach TS | Human Intestine TS |
Human Intestine TS | Human Large Intestine TS |
Human Vermiform Appendix TS | Human Spleen TS |
Human Liver TS | Human Pancreas TS |
Human Lung TS | Human Artery TS |
Human Vein TS | Human Blood Smear |
Human Trachea TS | Human Epiglottis TS Human Kidney TS |
Human Bone TS | Human Nerve TS |
Human Spinal Cord TS | Human Brain Cerebellum TS |
Human Brain Cerebrum TS | Human Sperm Smear |
Human Testis TS | Human Ovary TS |
Human Oviduct TS | Human Mammary Gland TS |
Human Vagina TS | Human Uterus TS |
Human Thyroid Gland TS | Human Adrenal Gland TS |
Human Cardiac Muscle TS | Human Salivary Gland TS |
Nostoc WM | Nostoc Heterocyst | Oscillatoria WM |
Chlamydomonas WM | Chara Veg. WM | Chara Reproductive |
Chara Sexuals LS | Chlorella WM | Cladophora WM |
Diatoms Mixed WM | Oedogonium Vegatative WM | Oedogonium Capcells WM |
Oedogonium Nannandious WM | Spirogyra Vegetative WM | Ulothrix Vegetative WM |
Ulothrix Reproductive WM | Volvox Colony WM | Volvox Daughter Colony WM |
Ectocarpus Unilocular WM | Ectocarpus Unilocular WM | Ectocarpus Plurilocular WM |
Focus Thallus TS | Fucus Male Conceptacle VS | Fucus Female Conceptacle VS |
Sargassum Thallus (Leaf) TS | Sargassum Male Conceptacle TS | |
Sargassum Female Conceptacle TS | Sargassum Bladder TS | Batrachospermum WM |
Batrachospermum Fruiting WM | Polysiphonia Antheridial WM | Polysiphonia Cystocarp WM |
Polysiphonia Tetrasporic WM | Polysiphonia Vegetative WM | Oedogonium Macrandrous WM |
Vaucheria Vegetative WM | Vaucheria Reproductive WM | Spirogyra Scalariform Conj. WM |
Spirogyra Lateral Conj. WM |
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