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Carrier Tray

We offer high quality Carrier Tray to our valuable clients. This autoclavable Polypropylene Tray has a handle which proves really helpful in carrying reagents or laboratory apparatus from one place to another, single handedly. These attributes have led to an increase in demand of our Carrier Trays. Material : Polypropylene
ParticularsPack (Pcs) 
Carrier Tray 380 x 240 x 115 mm6 

Instrument Tray

Acquire from us comprehensive range of Instrument Tray which is well reckoned for its quality. This Instrument Tray has cover which fits into groove of trays to minimize spillage of material. Smaller size can be used to sterilize small instruments whereas the larger size allows pipettes to be fully immersed in disinfectant prior to sterilizing. Material : Polypropylene
ParticularsPack (Pcs) 
Instrument Tray 220 x 150 x 70 mm2 
Instrument Tray 450 x 150 x 70 mm2 

Utility Tray

We excel in providing high quality Utility Tray to our valuable clients. Our range of Utility Tray is well appreciated in the market for its high quality and durability. this Polypropylene Tray can be utilized for wide range of purposes ranging from drying glassware to sterilizing and for storing any laboratory apparatus. Material : Polypropylene
ParticularsPack (Pcs) 
Utility Tray 375 x 350 x 130 mm6