Full size, 10 parts, without sterno – abdominal wall but with ribs, sternum and clavicle with their attachments.
Thoracic and abdominal organs, individually detachable lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, heart, which is further sectioned in two parts.
Half of skull cap is removed, and brain can be taken out, exposing the interior of the skull.
Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region, sexless, on base, with key card.
Three times enlarged, dissectible into 4 parts, showing clearly both ventricles and atria open to expose the valves.
The chief blood vessels and musculature of heart are shown.
on base with key card.
A 5 times enlarged model of the eye, sectioned horizontally, dissects into 7 parts.
The upper half of the sclerotic membrane, two choroid membranes, retina with vitreous humour, lens and lower half of the sclerotic membrane.
On base with key card.
Two times enlarged, dissects into 3 parts, showing external, middle and internal portions.
Ossicles and labyrinth can be taken out.
On base with key card.
A 3 times enlarged model of the eye, with 9 parts, in bony orbit.
The upper half of eye ball is removable and dissects into 7 parts, showing all anatomical details.
Out of six muscles controlling the eye ball two are removable.
On base with key card.
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