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Pulley With Universal Clamp
Pulleys Bench Clamp Fitting
Ring & Ball
Rules Steel
Screw Gauge Micrometer Demonstration
Screw Gauge Micrometers
Set of Masses, Brass
Set comprises masses of brass with slots, brass hangers with hook. Fine finish, masses removable and replaceable on hanger.
Set of 9 weights, one hanger each of 10 gm. Total weight 100 gm.
Set of 9 weights, one hanger each of 25 gm. Total weight 250gm.
Set of 4 weights, one hanger each of 50 gm. Total weight 250gm.
Set of 9 weights, one hanger each of 100gm. Total weight 1000gm.
Set of one hanger 20 gm. three weights 20 gm. Total weight 100gm.
Set of one hanger 50 gm, nine weights 20 gm. One weight 10 gm. and two weights 5 gm. Total 250 gm.
Spare slotted weights and Hangers 5gm., 10gm., 20gm., 50gm., and 100 gm. are also available.